COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: Examining Political and Societal Effects in Art

Kokume, Art by Amy Cromarty, 2021

Red, Art by Zoya Kostetsky, 2021

Beauty and the Bleak, Art by Aaron Shand, Jeremy Kamminga, Roberto De Paz & Ryan Karhut, 2021

Project Title: COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene

Dates: 2020 – (ongoing)

Media Coverage:

  1. For U of M site:
  2. Here is the link for the OCADu Libguide:
    1. University of Manitoba Responses
    2. COVID Pedagogies: Tools, Content & Strategies
    3. OCADU Student Work from Course Materials and The Anthropocene  
  3. Gallery Exhibition, Covid-19 Anxiety, Gallery 1313, Spring 2021.
  4. UM Today: Sarah Paradis and her work with COVID 19 Anxiety

COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: is a creation research project which began June 2020 running concurrently with online Bachelor of Education courses including Art Infusion in the Digital Age and Senior Year Arts at the University of Manitoba ( U of M) and undergraduate courses including Materials and the Anthropocene at Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCADU). Artists, researchers and students “learned” and “made” together, co-investigating the psychological, social and political implications of “location,” “refuge,” and “loss” in the Anthropocene during COVID-19. Although our project manifests as a collaboration among artists Dr. Pam Patterson, Daniel Payne, and Dr. Joanna Black, this has expanded into a uniquely public/collective project spanning two Canadian provinces involving over 100 professional artists, undergraduate/graduate students at U of M and OCADU along with Gallery 1313.

Grants by: 

  1. Canada Council for the Arts – Strategic Funds and Initiatives: Digital Originals COVID -19 Grant COVID-19 Anxiety: Location, Refuge, and Loss.  2020.
  2. Manitoba Arts Council. Travel/ Professional Development Grant.  COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene. 2020
  3. SSHRC Seed Explore Grant. Ontario College of Art & Design University (OCADU), “COVID-19 Anxiety: Investigating Social and Political Implications of “Location, ”Refuge,” and “Loss” in the Anthropocene. 2020.
  4. Creative Works Grant, University of Manitoba. “COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: Examining Political and Societal Effects in Art.” 2020.