Professor in Visual Art Education



Investigating the Creative Practices of Youth in Digital Visual Learning Networks

Working within Canada with a research team comprised of Drs. Juan Carlos Castro (PI), Kit Grauer and David Pariser they are examining shared social media usage via mobile devices of teenagers and youth (2020-2024). This research is generously supported by a SSHRC Insight Grant. 

 COVID-19 Anxiety in the
Age of the Anthropocene

COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: is a creation research project which began June 2020 running concurrently with online Bachelor of Education courses including Art Infusion in the Digital Age and Senior Year Arts at the University of Manitoba ( U of M) and undergraduate courses including Materials and the Anthropocene at Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCADU). Artists, researchers and students “learned” and “made” together, co-investigating the psychological, social and political implications of “location,” “refuge,” and “loss” in the Anthropocene during COVID-19. Although our project manifests as a collaboration among artists Dr. Pam Patterson, Daniel Payne, and Dr. Joanna Black, this has expanded into a uniquely public/collective project spanning two Canadian provinces involving over 100 professional artists, undergraduate/graduate students at U of M and OCADU along with Gallery 1313.


SSHRC Insight Grant

Juan Carlos Castro (PI), Black, J. (Co-Applicant) Grauer, K. (Co-Applicant) & Pariser, D. (Collaborator). Investigating the Creative Practices of Youth in Digital Visual Learning Networks.    2020-2024.

Canada Council for the Arts

Strategic Funds and Initiatives: Digital Originals COVID -19 Grant COVID-19 Anxiety: Location, Refuge, and Loss.  Principal Investigator/artist Pam Patterson, working with co-artists Joanna Black and Daniel Payne. 2020-2021.

Manitoba Arts Council

COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene. Principal Investigator/artist, Joanna Black,
working with co-artists Pam Patterson and Daniel Payne. 2020

SSHRC Seed Explore Grant

Ontario College of Art & Design University (OCADU), “COVID-19 Anxiety: Investigating Social and Political Implications of “Location, ”Refuge,” and “Loss” in the Anthropocene. Principal Investigator/Artist: Pam Patterson (PI) working with co-artists Joanna Black and Daniel Payne. 2020.

Creative Works Grant,
University of Manitoba

“COVID-19 Anxiety in the Age of the Anthropocene: Examining Political and Societal Effects in Art.” Principal Investigator/Artist J. Black working with co-artists Pam Patterson and Daniel Payne. 2020.

Faculty Research
Development Grant (RDG)

Faculty of Education. In support of research, “Education, Reconciliations, and Healing. 2019.

Scholarly Works Grant

Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba Research Grant. In support of research, ‘ Learning for Social Change: Children’s Artwork Created During Residential Schooling. 2019.

Conference Sponsorship Program University of Manitoba Research Grant

In support of the hosting of the conference, Taking Action: Human Rights in Art Education.
University of Manitoba. 2018.

Event Sponsorship Fund

Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba Research Grant. In support of the hosting of the conference, Taking Action: Human Rights in Art Education. 2018.

Scholarly Works Grant

Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba Research Grant. In support of the exhibition,
‘Learning for Social Change. 2018.

Research Grant

Faculty of Education, Scholarly Works Fund. University of Manitoba Research Grant. Eksperimenta! 2017, Researching, Curating, Participating and Presenting. 2017-2018.

Faculty of Education, Faculty Research Development Fund (RDF)

University of Manitoba Research Grant. Contemporary Indigenous Art and Education. 2016-2018

Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba Travel Fund

Support to travel to China as a keynote speaker for the 6th Conference on Creative Education (CCE 2016). 2016.

University Indigenous Research Program (UIRP)

University of Manitoba Research Grant. Contemporary Indigenous Art and Education. 2015-2017

UM/SSHRC International Conference Travel Grant

Support to travel to China as a keynote speaker for the 6th Conference on Creative Education (CCE 2016). 2016

University Research Grant (RGP)

UM/SSHRC Research Program. Awarded to Kouritzon, S. (PI). Black, J., Cap, O., & Smith, K. Analysis of Workload Creep in Three Faculties of Education. 2015-2016.

Scholarly Funds Fiscal Support from the Department of Education

In support of attendance at the National Art Education Association’s (NAEA) annual convention, San Diego. April 2014.

University Research Grant (RGP)

UM/SSHRC Research Program. “Bridging the Gap between Visual Art Education and Contemporary Visual Canadian Artists. 2013-2014.

Travel Grant. UM/SSHRC International Conference Travel Grant

Support attendance at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) annual convention, San Francisco. May 2013.

Scholarly Funds Fiscal Support from the Department of Education

In support of attendance at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) annual convention, San Francisco. April 2013.

Imperial Oil Academy of Learning in Science, Mathematics and Technology

University of Manitoba. Small Scale Research Grant. 2012-2013.

UM.SSHRC Partnerships Seed Grant

University of Manitoba. Contemporary Art and Art Education.
December 2011 to March 2012.

Scholarly Funds Fiscal Support from the Department of Education

In support of travel to the 2012 Annual Convention of the American Educational Research Association, AERA. March, 2012.

Travel and Conference
Sponsorship Program

In support of travel to the 2012 Annual Convention of the American Educational Research Association, AERA, March, 2012.

SSHRC Standard Research Grant

Model New Media/video Programs in Arts Education: Case Study.April 2010 to April 2012.

Travel Grant

May, 2011. Black, J. UM/SSHRC International Conference Travel Grant.
Support to travel to Eksperimenta! in Estonia. Awarded. (Awarded but declined).

University of Manitoba Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (UM/SSHRC Bridge Funding)

Support SSHRÇ Proposal entitled, New Media Model Programs in Visual Arts Education.
July 2009-September 2009.

Imperial Oil Academy of Learning in Science, Mathematics and Technology

 University of Manitoba. Small Scale Research Grant. 2009-2010..

Research Grant

Hlynka, D., Black, J., Smith, K. , & Orest, C. Imperial Oil Academy of Learning in Science, Mathematics and Technology. University of Manitoba. Support research entitled, “Screen Images of Teachers”. 2009 -2010.

Scholarly Funds Fiscal Support from the Department of Education

In support of travel to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting, San Diego, 2009.

Imperial Oil Academy of Learning in Science, Mathematics and Technology

University of Manitoba. Equipment Grant. Support purchase of computer software. 2009.

University of Manitoba Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (UM/SSHRC)

International Conference Travel Grant. Paper presented at the 6th international conference on education and information systems, technologies and applications, EISTA 2008, July 2008.

Scholarly Funds Fiscal Support from the Department of Education

In support of travel to the 6th international conference on education and information systems, technologies and applications EISTA 2008. June 2008.

Imperial Oil Academy of Learning in Science, Mathematics and Technology

University of Manitoba. Research Grant entitled, “An Investigation of Teacher Support, Professional Development, and Integration of Digital Technologies into Virtual Classrooms.” 2004-2009.

University of Manitoba Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (UM/SSHRC)

Research Grant “Effective Professional Development and Support in New Media Art Education,” 2005-2007.

University of Manitoba Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (UM/SSHRC)

International Conference Travel Grant. In support of a paper presented at the National Art Education Conference, Chicago, United States, March 2006.

Scholarly Funds Fiscal Support from the Department of Education

In support of attendance at the National Art Education Association’s annual convention (NAEA), March 2006.

University Research Grant Program (URGP)

University of Manitoba. Research Grant. “Case Study Research: Examining Cutting-edge Visual Art Programs. 2003-2004.

International Travel

Attendance at the National Art Education Association’s (NAEA) Convention.
Denver, United States. 2004.