Professor in Visual Art Education



TFEL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program Grant. Black, J., Oliveira Jayme, B., & Moore, S. University of Manitoba. Media Literacies in Teaching and Learning in a Fractured World. In support of the development of a new Media Education course at the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to de Oliveira Jayme, B., Moore, S., & Black, J. University of Manitoba. Media Literacies in Teaching and Learning in a Fractured World. In support of the development of a new Media Education course at the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education.


Endowment Fund Awarded to Morin, F., Lea, G. and  Black, J. University of Manitoba. Professional repair of musical instruments at the Faculty of Education. 


Teaching Grant. (November 2016). Awarded to Black. J, Morin, F. and Lea, G. University of Manitoba. Guest Speaker Michel Lévesque/ LGBTQ Issues in Art. Education. Internal Faculty of Education Grant. December 2016. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Morin, J. (PI)  & Black, J. University of Manitoba. Framed remainder of the secondary students’ artworks that were exhibited at Eksperimenta! 2014 and are displayed at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J. University of Manitoba. Replace old kiln at the Faculty of Education. 


Teaching Grant. March 2016).  Awarded to Black.. University of Manitoba. Guest Speaker Michel Lévesque/ LGBTQ Issues in Art Education. Internal Faculty of Education Grant. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J. University of Manitoba. Replace old kiln at the Faculty of Education. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Morin, J. (PI)  & Black, J. University of Manitoba. Framed secondary students’ artworks that were exhibited at Eksperimenta! 2014 and are displayed at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Mizzi, R. (PI),  Schmidt, C., Mason, R., Honeyford, M., Black, J., Deer, F., & Serebrin, W. University of Manitoba. Project Q: Integrating LGBTQ curricula in the Faculty of Education. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J. University of Manitoba. Smartboard camera and training. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Hlynka, D. (PI) , Black, J., Cap, O., & Smith, K. University of Manitoba.  Ten iPod Nanos to cover the costs of  obtaining the necessary pedagogic technology. 


Grant from the Imperial Oil Academy for the Learning of Mathematics, Science and Technology.  Awarded to J. Black. Support project entitled, “digiComic Fiction”A New Media, Arts Integrated Project”. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J. University of Manitoba. March Library Acquisition: Impact of society upon teaching approaches to art education. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to  Mason, R.(PI),  Black J., Smith, K., Cap. O., & al. University of Manitoba. Support the purchase of interactive whiteboards for ICT integration in classrooms. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J. University of Manitoba. Acquisition of the software “Comic Life.” 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J. University of Manitoba. March Library Acquisition: Impact of society upon teaching approaches to art education. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J.. University of Manitoba. `Acquisition for equipment for the visual art education studio. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J., (PI) Smith, K., & Welsh, J.  University of Manitoba. Acquisition of digital copyright free music for teaching.

2003 to


Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) Grant awarded to Black, J. & Smith, K. The University of Manitoba. Awarded for support for innovative teaching: designing a cross-disciplinary project entitled, “The Poetic Moving Images: Virtually Alive Online.


Summer Session Innovation Fund from the University of Manitoba Teaching and Service Grant. Awarded to Black, J. Funds supported new   equipment, supplies and building community connections for the course, Video Art and its Applications Across the Curriculum. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J., &  Smith, K. University of Manitoba. Acquisition of digital computer projectors.

2003 to


Support Funds, Faculty of Education awarded to Black, J. Digital equipment acquisition to support Computer Lab, University of Manitoba. 


Endowment Fund Awarded to Black, J.  University of Manitoba. Acquisition to support the purchase of equipment for the visual art education studio.